Winner Of The Telegraph School Award 2023

Admissions Is Going On For Session 2024-25

School Curriculum

Epic Public School supports experiential learning, focuses on conceptual clarity, and lays emphasis on learning through live examples since the very outset. Epic Public School also helps the children to develop critical thinking and analytical skills. The curriculum followed here is set up with a mindset to nurture the effective domain of the learners through activity-based learning. Life skills classes and self-awareness campaigns are organised to create an atmosphere for practical experience. All these benefits the students to a large extent and helps the children to develop emotional stability. Opportunities are provided to the learners to help them discover and explore the world beyond pen and paper.

Our learning areas include:

 Languages (English, Hindi, and Bengali): Our students are encouraged to learn not only foreign languages but also their home language. Epic Public School believes that learning languages does not only involve the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing but also acquiring a wide range of vocabulary to develop interpersonal communication skills, which help our students to express their thoughts meaningfully.

As an English-medium school, we encourage our students to communicate in the foreign tongue. Besides, we also have Hindi and Bengali as our second languages. These languages are taught through various activities with an aim to initiate the language learning in a fun way and to make it more understandable for our little companions. We encourage our students to develop an interest in their home language by using various teaching aids. Language day (Hindi/Bengali) is celebrated once a month to awaken in them a love for their mother tongue. 

Mathematics—fun with numbers, understanding shapes, patterns and their concepts, differences and similarities, collection and organisation of data, analysis of data, etc.—is taught to the students in such a way so as to ensure that they are well illustrated with the concepts. In order to strengthen their grip on the topics, activity-based learning is practiced once a week.


Environmental studies

Students are made to learn and acquire knowledge about their surroundings, appreciate their surroundings, and understand the need to conserve and preserve them from getting depleted.

A kitchen garden is designed and set up in the school premises where students themselves cultivate crops and get to learn how plants are nurtured practically. Sowing, watering, and cultivating the crops themselves gives them first-hand knowledge of how to plant trees.

Robotics and innovation

Innovation is a mandatory subject for the students of classes 4 to upper primary. With this, students lay hands on robotics, learn about technologies, and learn to innovate new equipment in an interesting manner. Under the guidance of the teacher, students have made many models, such as automatic water dispensers, automatic fire alarms, automatic lights, water diyas, etc. The interest of the little innovators was reflected in the innovation exhibition conducted in the school premises.

Fine arts

Epic Public School respects the interests of the students and tries to adhere to their interest in fine arts. For this, we have initiated a compulsory art and craft class for all the students of the campus. The little talented minds exhibit their skills in fine arts in an exhibition where they present their models in front of a wide range of audience.

Physical and health education: Apart from academics, Epic Public School places equal importance on the physical well-being and good health of our students. We inspire them to be fit by involving them in various physical activities and inculcating in them healthy eating habits. Regular yoga classes are conducted on both campuses for the healthy minds of the school.


Life skills

Epic Public School always encourages the students to practice life skills that make them capable of performing some household chores so as to enable them to offer a helping hand to their parents. This, on the other hand, makes them responsible as well. Life skills, too, are a part of our daily curriculum.

Value education

Epic Public School believes that education does not only confer only on books or what we learn from the internet. Education also means to build strong character in each individual and initiate good habits and manners amongst them. Understanding the importance and the impact of the subject, we have made this subject an intrinsic part of the curriculum.

Public speaking

We strongly believe that being educated does not limit to just reading and mugging things up. We believe education and knowledge makes one a good orator. We try to provide our students with a platform where they can communicate and express their thoughts and ideas clearly in front of others. This not only boosts their confidence but also makes them effective orators and helps them to overcome stage phobia.

Writing skills

Writing is the most essential part of our curriculum. One can pen down their thoughts and ideas meaningfully only when one knows the main domains of writing, i.e., spelling, capitalization, punctuation, handwriting, and sentence structure.

Regular classes of writing skills are held to help students learn the proper style of writing. 

Apart from all these  curriculum, we also offer our students adequate opportunities as per their interest and aptitude. We organise certain competitions, assemblies, annual days, sports days, celebrations, and social awareness camps for our students.

The scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation is designed and set up on campus as per CBSE guidelines. Formal tests and exams are conducted to assess the overall development of the pupils.

The primary branch of Epic Public School follows the curriculum based on the NCERT guidelines. It pays heed to the foundation of knowledge, skills, and concept clarity amongst the students. Evaluation is done in two terms to assess the strong as well as the weak areas of the students.


Our key acquirements 

  • Dialect and literacy (competing reading,writing, and communication skills)
  • Fun with numbers. Logical thinking and reasoning
  • Distinctive,gregarious and emotional development.
  • Exploring the world.
  • Gross motor development
  • Fine motor development
  • Exquisite & innovative expressions 


Nursery school and kindergarten

Epic Public School appreciates the trust of every parent on us and we always try to raise ourselves up to their expectations in bringing the best out of their wards. The child is the central figure and active participant in the teaching and learning process of our school. We try to produce an atmosphere where children live with the freedom to explore themselves, express themselves freely, and interact with this atmosphere, be confident enough and have proper learning outcomes. Various teaching and learning strategies are applied to enhance the learning abilities of the students. 

Juveniles at this phase

Self-recognition is a priority in the institute. We try to make sure that the student is able to identify his/her speciality, his/her characteristics, and his/her preferences.

Through learning, we try to develop a sense of balance and physical coordination among the tiny tots.

We encourage our students to learn various languages through activities like role play, story telling, poetry, etc. based on their age and as per their intelligence.

We try to inculcate enough confidence in our children to make them aware of their actions, whether they are right or wrong, which in turn builds in them a strong character. 

We encourage our kids to learn to collaborate with friends from different backgrounds,celebrate different festivities and enjoy different cultures together. This helps in developing a sense of communal harmony and helps to establish brotherhood among them.

Epic Public School makes sure that the students understand the concepts of shapes, numbers, straight lines, cut lines, etc. through various learning activities. We try to make them responsible for their own safety under any circumstances or situations. Through live examples and practical learning, we try to develop in them a sense of self-defense to help them grow up as confident individuals and responsible citizens of the future nation.

At this very initial phase, we do not encourage formal assessment but rather focus on the overall development and conceptual clarity of the students.

Epic Public School strategy 

Certain rules and regulations are laid down by the school authorities so as to ascertain the safety of each and every ward. The students fully respect the school’s endeavor in making the educational premises a well-mannered and disciplined one.

Any unfair means is strictly prohibited and is dealt  strictly by the school authorities.

It is the sole responsibility of an individual student to complete all the assigned work of the school, that is, homework, assignment,projects by themselves without passing on the work to any external agencies and submit it to the respective teacher on the assigned date.

We encourage the students to attempt the work in their own language based on their perception and understanding of the subjects.

Any sort of wrong or disturbed behaviour is not expected from the part of any student. Any form of unfair means or dishonesty is expected to be brought to the notice of the teacher without any delay or fear.

The school appreciates the honesty, good- manners, and well-behaved attitude of the children. It upholds the bravery and righteous deeds of its pupils through rewards.

Leave regulations.

A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) attendance is required on the part of any student to appear for the examination of every academic year.

Ensuring the minimum percentage of attendance required for appearance in the examination, we urge the parents to send the children to the school regularly. 

Under any circumstances, if a child is unable to appear in the school, the class teacher should be notified of the reason behind the absence.

A leave exceeding more than 2 days should be brought to the notice of the Principal.

Leave on the grounds of health should be supported by a medical certificate.

In case of any infectious or communicable disease, we suggest the students take proper rest and avail proper medical facilities until he/she fully recovers and is fit enough to rejoin the classes.

Without the knowledge of parents or teachers, a student is not allowed to leave the school on his or her own will without any valid reason.

The school tries its best to ensure the safety of all the students with the able cooperation and support of our parents and guardians.



  • Both the wings are spacious.
  • Well ventilated and well lit classrooms.
  • Smart classes with proper technology are provided in all the classes to ensure that the students learn in an effective and friendly manner.
  • An auditorium is set up where all the students participate in all the events held in the premises.
  • Computer labs with an adequate number of computers are provided on the school campus so as to develop an interest in AI and robotics amongst the students.
  • A mandatory innovation subject is introduced by school authorities so that the students can learn and develop their learning abilities in AI using different technologies. A well-equipped innovation lab is set up for this purpose.
  • A resource centre for the teachers as well as the students has been set up so that both the teachers and students are able to update their knowledge and skills.

Apart from studies, Epic Public School encourages students to come up and participate in extracurricular activities. For this, various classes like dance class, music class, and arts class are set up as a part of the academics. 

  • Science Laboratory-All sorts of equipment and apparatus are provided to the students for experiential learning. 
  • A library with an ample number of books is available for the students to enhance their learning on topics other than what is prescribed in the syllabus. 
  • One can be fit when one plays on the field. We have one field for students to explore their sports abilities during their games and sports class.
  • A meal served to us thrice a day is the hard work of the farmers. In order to make the students learn and have practical knowledge of farming, we have involved our students in practicing farming in the organic field of the school campus. Students learn to grow crops from the very initial stage, i.e., right from ploughing the field to harvesting the crop. We appreciate their interest in this field.

Epic Public School does not encourage the use of plastic on the school campus. We are lucky enough to see that our students have well understood the harmful effects of using plastic and are abiding by the regulations laid down by the institute on banning the use of the same. With the able cooperation of the students and parents, we are successfulin building a green school.


Competitions at Junior school level

  • Rhymes competition
  • Story telling competition
  • Drawing competition
  • Handwriting competition
  • Mathematics competition
  • Quiz competition
  • Extempore speech Competition


Competitions at High school level

  • Quiz competition
  • Handwriting competition
  • Singing competition
  • Art & poster making competition
  • Rangoli Competition


Academic excursions

  • Gitaldah BSF camp Bangladesh border
  • Madhupur Temple
  • Railway Museum,
  • Rajbari Palace Coochbehar
  • District Library
  • Sonari BSF camp (kakribari)
  • N. Park

As our students look upon us as their mentor, it becomes our sole responsibility to nurture their intelligence, physical and emotional as well as mental development. The school believes in adhering to new policies as prescribed by NCERT and CBSE. Keeping this in mind, our institute has made certain initiatives, which we are hopeful will go a long way for the holistic growth and development of our children.


New Initiatives

  • Heritage Learning
  • blood donation camp
  • grafting
  • organic farming
  • Terrence gardening
  • Language day celebration once a month.
  • Fruit break for the students
  • water break for the students
  • Mandatory health check up camps for students and staff.


Community Service

  • free tribal school at Mendabari
  • cloth donation camp
  • offering help to the orphanage
  • Offering help to the Blind school
  • Contribution by the students of high school to the needy from their pocket money.
  • Sanitary pad distribution among the underprivileged


Life skills/S U P W

 Besides making their foundation strong in academics we also strive to make our  students  learn daily household chores to help their parents when they return home after a long tiring day. These life skill classes are a must for all the students of our school.It not only makes them independent but also brings out the helping nature among the students.

Junior school

  • Tying shoe laces
  • Packing school bags
  • Packing lunch box
  • Folding clothes
  • Watering plants
  • Filling water bottles


High school

  • Gardening
  • Terrace farming
  • Covering books
  • Tying the shoe laces and ties
  • Cleaning the classrooms
  • Riding bicycles
  • Folding clothes
  • Making beds
  • Serving foods


Happenings of both campuses

  • Peace day
  • Environment day
  • Earth Day
  • Friendship day
  • Children’s day
  • Foundation day
  • Annual Sports day
  • Annual day
  • Graduation day
  • Summer camp
  • Rabindra Jayanti
  • Winter camp


Indulging Summer camp events

Junior section

  • Fireless cooking
  • Games
  • Community lunch
  • Sculpture making
  • Graphic designing
  • Go as you like
  • Rain dance
  • Art and craft

Senior section

  • Musical concert
  • Nail art
  • Movie time
  • Dance
  • Fruits party
  • Art & craft
  • Potluck
  • Community lunch


Student Dispersal

  • Two gates are allotted for the smooth dispersal  of students.
  • Bus facilities have been provided for the students who want to avail bus facilities and are living at distant places.
  • A lady attendant is provided in each of the buses to ensure the safety of the students.
  • The parents of the students who do not avail the school bus facility can collect their wards from the school gate soon after the school gets over.
  • Parents must carry their escort card to the school gate to receive their ward. If they fail to bring the escort card, they must report to the school office without fail before taking their ward back home.
  • If, under any circumstances or emergency, the student has to leave the school campus early, he/she has to produce a written application and sign the early departure register before departing from the school.


Utilising summer vacation.


Theatre workshop- 


“Of course we all come to the theatre with baggage. The baggage of our daily lives, the baggage of our problems, the baggage of our tragedies, the baggage of being tired. It doesn’t matter what age you are. But if our hearts get opened and released—well, that is what theatre can do and does sometimes, and everyone is thankful when that happens.” – Vanessa Redgrave

A theatre workshop was organised by the school for the students during the summer vacation. The activity was conducted under the mentorship of the honourable Shri Kalyanmoy Das.


In the theatre play entitled MOBILE MANIA, the impact and the harmful effects of mobile phones were shown in the most simple and interesting manner. The plot was weaved around the same theme. Students were given the elements of acting. 

The act was an amalgamation of talent, skill, and knowledge, which gave experimental learning to the students. Their hard work, enthusiasm, and efforts gave the event a more realistic outlook. At the end of the workshop, the guardians could easily understand what was demonstrated on the stage.

Nail art 

The object of art is not to reproduce reality but to create a reality of the same intensity.”

Under the able mentorship of an honourable and well-renouned nail artist, our students had a taste of  nail art and learned this talent during the summer break.



“Sculpture is what you bump into when you back up to see a painting.” -Barnett Newman. This was yet another way of utilising the time during the summer camp. The students not only learned this new art form but also got the privilege to create something from clay, which in turn attached them to their roots in some way.